Nutrition & Diet


Adult man and woman seated at table and eating meal together at home


Adult man and woman seated at table and eating meal together at home

How Food Can Affect How You Feel

Nutrition and diet may play an important role in daily life with UC, and food may affect people differently. Figuring out what works for you may take some trial and error, but it may ultimately help you stay in tune with your body.

UC Journaling

What Gets Measured, Gets Better Understood

Consider keeping a journal, it may help you identify what works and what doesn't, so you know how to fuel your body in a way that is best for you.

Keep in Mind:

  • Your UC symptoms may change over time, so your plan may need to change, too
  • Discuss any meal plans and nutrition questions with your doctor
  • The process of logging everything you eat can be overwhelming. Start small and do what works for you. If you don't like to type or write, you can always take a picture with your phone

How to Use Your UC Journal

Observe & Take Notes

  • Note if eating the same food at a different time of the day has any effect on you
  • Observe which foods comfort you during a flare-up and which foods cause distress (triggers)
  • Note how much (if any) caffeine and alcohol you’re drinking since coffee may upset your stomach and alcohol may cause dehydration

  • Record how many glasses of water you drink
  • Include non-food details too, like your exercises, medication, and supplements, or even your mood throughout the day
  • Track your bowel movements, noting things like the frequency, timing, appearance, and any presence of blood or pain
  • Keep track of what you eat, how much of it, and when

Start Planning Meals

Meal planning saves you time and can help you make more intentional food choices.

  • Try small, frequent meals
  • Work with your doctor/healthcare team to balance nutrients and make sure you’re getting adequate protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals
  • Plan your shopping list in advance for trips to the grocery store
  • Bookmark your favorite recipes online to keep them easily available

Smiling adult woman and smiling adult man cooking together at home


Smiling adult woman and smiling adult man cooking together at home


Smiling adult woman and smiling adult man cooking together at home

"I’ve found following a nutrient-dense, clean diet has helped my journey with UC, though I understand this may not have the same effect for everyone."
Laura Scaviola, diagnosed in 2013

Meet Your New Go-To App:

LivingWith™ UC

Introducing the LivingWith™ UC app, which includes recipes, nutrition tips, and a food journal tool. Explore the App.

Find What Works for You

(And What Doesn't)

It's important to remember that your diet is unique, and what works for others may not work for you. Your doctor is your number one resource for any questions related to diet and UC.

Foods to Consider Avoiding During a Flare-Up


Red meat


Spicy Foods

Foods to Consider Eating During a Flare-Up

Lean Meats



Soups & Broths


Foods to Consider Eating During Remission

Healthy Oils



Herbs & Mild Spices

Low-Fiber Cereal
